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Washington, DC Prayer Meeting, October 28, 2011

At Hylton Memorial Chapel, Woodbridge, VA. 5:00 pm

The Mystery Visions and Visitations Leading to the Journey - Washington, DC

The Story that Prompted the Washington, DC Prayer Meeting

The Lord took me all the way from St. Louis, MO to North Carolina in 2005. Alone in an apartment, I experienced a miraculous visitation from God. Today, I still do not have words to describe the magnificence of his presence, or the eeriness of the moment. He gave me serious warning to change from what I was doing that were offending him. He asked me to repent from the problems I have created that were blocking his access to my spirit. I was made to understand that he brought me all the way from St. Louis, MO away from my family to have a private conversation with me. At one point, I got angry, but quickly repented because I was facing God’s rebuke. After about six weeks, he sent me back home to St. Louis. When I arrived back in St. Louis, he sent me away to Clinton, MO. There, I was again away from my family where I worked during the weekdays and was only able to come home on weekends. Actually, I felt God sent me to prison for making him angry. I only had weekend visitations of my family. In November 2006 after spending about one and a half years away from home, the Lord granted me a pass back home to St. Louis. I was glad!

When this incident happened, I was of the opinion that it was all about me. I did not realize that God’s messages to me, and the visitations of the Lord were the foreshadowing of the messages I would be asked to deliver to the nation. At the moment of God’s visitation, he gave me a mantle for the mission he placed before me. By the ending of December 2006, I received a revelation about the coming catastrophes to the U.S. During that period for many days, the Lord allowed me to experienced the groaning in the spirit he was also experiencing at that time. I was told that as a nation, we have brought a curse upon ourselves. The key resolution is for people to repent. The story of these revelations and visitations are discussed in the book, Closer Walk With Jesus, by Yinka Vidal, 472 pages, published by Lara Publications. The book is distributed by Anchor Distributors, and available at Amazon Books. I was very shaken by these revelations.

After receiving many visitations from the Lord Jesus including the messages I received, the Lord one day sent me another warning in 2009. I was taking a nap one afternoon when a scripture of the Book of Ezekiel was placed before me.

It reads, "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel, therefore hear a word from my mouth, and give them warning from me" (Ezekiel 3:17).

As soon as I received this scripture from the Lord, I was scared! Evidently, the Lord was warning me. I must therefore do my part by calling for a national prayer for our elected officials in Washington, DC to wakeup! As I started to plan this prayer meeting and a journey to Washington DC, I had a visitation from a warrior angel. He appeared to be a fighter with a rugged appearance! I already learned something from these angels. They do not take stuff from anybody. They are built and designed to fight. God also warned us about these angels when they lead men to battle. They do not take hostages! They are very skillful on both the physical and spiritual battlefields. They can sometimes beat-up on people when they are aggravated (Exodus 23:20-22). I was still trying to argue with this angel. He wasted no time in doing what he came to do. He opened my mouth wide, and a large cloud of fireball was coming out of his mouth into mine. This reminded me of when Joshua was about to begin the battle of Jericho, and a warrior angel appeared to him with a drawn sword. What was the Lord telling me about this angelic visitation? Should I consider Washington, DC a battle zone? I do not have a clue!

With what I have been seeing in the Spirit realm of God, we need a national revival! We have not seen anything yet! I see a nation in crisis. I see a church so divided. I see a people so disenchanted. We are deluding ourselves if we believe one political leader or a fast talking politician can rescue us from our present predicament. Our only hope is in God Almighty through Jesus Christ.

Yinka Vidal, Author, Closer Walk With Jesus

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